Sunday, January 13, 2013

Meditations in your daily life

(1)  You need to know about some types of meditation that most likely you have never thought about previously. 

[Inilah bentuk-bentuk meditasi yang penting anda ketahui, yang mungkin belum pernah anda pikirkan sebelumnya.]

(2)  Is it difficult for you to meditate in a Lotus position? Don't worry. Walking for a long distance in the fresh early morning with serenity in your mind, is also a good meditation. 

[Susah meditasi duduk dengan posisi teratai? Don't worry. Jalan panjang di pagi hari dengan pikiran tenteram juga sebuah meditasi.]

(3) Do you have any difficulties to meditate in a Buddhist temple? Don't worry. Listening in a concentrated way to lectures of your professors in your classroom is also a good meditation. 

[Susah meditasi dengan baik di sebuah vihara Buddhis? Don't worry. Berkonsentrasi penuh mendengar kuliah-kuliah profesor anda di ruang kelas juga sebuah meditasi.]


(4) Is it hard for you to meditate in a secluded silent room? Don't worry. Sitting to read your book in a focused way in the midst of crowded passengers in a train, is also a good meditation. 

[Susah meditasi di sebuah ruang yang sunyi? Don't worry. Duduk berkonsentrasi membaca sebuah buku dalam sebuah kereta yang ramai, juga sebuah meditasi.]


(5) Is it very difficult for you to sit meditating in a silent and empty room? Don't worry. Looking happily for somebody in need of help in a crowd, is a good meditation as well. 

[Sulit meditasi duduk di sebuah kamar sunyi dan sepi? Don't worry. Dengan happy mencari orang di keramaian yang butuh pertolongan, juga sebuah meditasi.]


(6) If you find it difficult to meditate on the peak of a high mountain, don't worry. Sitting serenely and peacefully at the coast viewing in wonder and amazement sea waves coming and going, is also a good meditation. 

[Sulit meditasi di sebuah puncak gunung tinggi? Don't worry. Duduk di tepi pantai memandang dengan takjub datang dan perginya ombak, juga sebuah meditasi.]


(7) Whenever you find it hard to meditate in a tranquil Zen temple, don't worry. If you are fully concentrating on your job to make it done as scheduled, you are doing a good meditation as well.

[Susah meditasi di sebuah kuil sunyi Zen? Don't worry. Berkonsentrasi penuh pada semua pekerjaan anda supaya selesai tepat waktu, juga sebuah meditasi.]


(8) When you feel it difficult to meditatively concentrate on the movement and behaviors of your mind, don't worry. Focusing yourself to listen to the content of somebody's mind and heart, is a good meditation as well.

[Sukar meditasi perhatikan gerak-gerik pikiran anda? Don't worry. Berkonsentrasi mendengarkan apa yang ada dalam pikiran dan hati orang lain, juga sebuah meditasi.]

(9) If it is very difficult for you to sit in a Padma position to meditate with the full awareness of your mind, don't worry. Sleeping soundly is the best and the most healthful meditation ever found. 

[Sulit meditasi duduk dengan pikiran sadar terpusat? Don't worry. Tidur nyenyak adalah meditasi terbaik yang pernah ada dan paling menyehatkan.]


(10) Whenever you find it hard to meditatively concentrate on the inhaling and exhaling of your breathing, don't worry. Exhaling with deep thankfulness and gratitude your last breathing on your bed, is the greatest meditation ever.

[Sukar meditasi mengikuti keluar masuknya nafas hidup? Don't worry. Melepas nafas terakhir dengan rasa syukur yang dalam, adalah bentuk meditasi paling agung.]

(11) Do it!
